Innovations in the Social Sciences and Humanities
4th and 5th of October 2019.
Ho Chi Minh City, Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
See a video of the conference:
See the conference reported on TV news HTV9
See here for news items, notes and more:
See here for pictures:
Opening day
The Sessions
Register and pay here.
Agenda and Abstracts
The conference "Innovations in the Social Sciences and Humanities" is organised by Ton Duc Thang University jointly with scholars at five other universities:
The University of Trieste, Italy;
Universität Leipzig, Germany;
National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan;
University of Warwick, United Kingdom;
College of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences at Purdue University Northwest, USA;
The co-ordination is by the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
of Ton Duc Thang University, Socialist Republic of Viet Nam.
Conference Venue - Ton Duc Thang University
Address: 19 Nguyen Huu Tho Street, Tan Phong Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Keynote Speakers:
- Professor Joyce C.H. Liu (National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan)
- Professor Ursula Rao (Universität Leipzig, Germany)
- Professor Stephen Muecke (The University of Adelaide)
- Professor Elaine Carey (CHESS: Purdue University Northwest);
The conference themes are organised in three overlapping streams
(section chairs will report back to the other streams at the end of each day):
1. Innovations in Public Engagement
- Memory and Public history
- Problems of Representation for and by who?
- Knowledge and Inquiries
2. Historical/contemporary practices and policies
- New approaches in studies of social conflict issues
- Perspectives on new methods, inquiries, engagements.
- Rethinking the tools of scholarship in new times.
- Tourism studies, international, national, local/global cultural markets.
3. Innovations of methodology, training and new skills for the future
- New studies of production and consumption of place
- Education and national futures, continuity, start-up, renewal, change.
- Ecology and environment, people, animals, plants
Publishing opportunities
Accepted and presented abstracts/papers will be published in the conference proceeding. Presenters of full papers will have opportunities to publish their papers in either a special issue of the journal Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (ISI H-index 17), in Social Identities, or in a special book-length volume of essays from the University of Trieste Press. For the conferecne proceedigns volume youmay still purchase a digital copy Pleasee see: here.